7 min readDec 4, 2022

Facebook’s metaverse

In the late 1990s, the internet was still a novelty, and some people had to use dial-up modems to access it. Which used up their landlines. Facebook was once still a private tech startup on the verge of an IPO 15 years ago. In its first few years, it was limited to anyone 13 and older, and even after that, it only grew into a popular social network 10 years ago.

Facebook is attach to billions of people in many countries. So, who share information extensively with each other. It was initially call Facebook as a reference to the plural form of the word “face.” Nowadays, Facebook is one of the world’s most valuable company, alongside Amazon and Alphabet Inc. They’re facing lots of controversy in this age of social networks.

Facebook is getting ready for the metaverse, where people move between AR and VR worlds. I think this is a step towards a future where there is more virtual reality than the internet. What do you think about this?

What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is an experience that allows you to replace or augment reality with computer-generated simulations. These simulations are designed to be as realistic as possible, with a whole digital “community” with its own set of rules and customs, similar to our own. “A world of boundless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work, and play- using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps, or other devices.”

“Metaverse” is often referred to in business context as “the next evolution of social connection.” Now, there are 3D spaces that allow for better form of communication, collaboration, and learning. It is still hard to imagine what else could be possible. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed examples of how the company is rebranding and focusing. CNET has reduced it down to 10 minutes.

Did Facebook invent the metaverse?

In Neal Stephenson’s sci-fi classic Snow Crash, the protagonist names his pizza delivery guy “Ernest Hemingway.” Many believe that Ernest Hemingway is America’s best-known author, but at least two of his contemporaries deserve this title. Ethan Zuckerman created a kludgey version of the metaverse in 1995 after reading “True Names” and William Gibson paid homage to the visionary work with his blockbuster cyberpunk novels in the 1980s. There is a lot in the works of Plato, but we can’t get away from the influence of concepts and ideas he borrowed from others. His work owed a debt to others who came before him and it’s far-reaching.

VR headsets have been around for a while, and they’ve heavily impacted nearly every field. They’ve seen advancements at such a great rate that it’s hard to keep up. The first virtual reality headset was created in 1968 and has seen staggering improvement since then. In 2011, it was almost perfect. Big tech companies, including Google, Microsoft, and Apple, plus major gaming platforms have now expanded their efforts to focus on the virtual reality market. Wall Street sees AI hardware and software as a $1 trillion opportunity.

When did Facebook get involve?

Facebook has been on a roll in recent years, and Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, believes this purchase is going to help pave the way for future business opportunities. The metaverse is crossing over into the mainstream and is here to stay.

So this isn’t just an attempt to distract everyone from Facebook’s litany of scandals?

The timing of this report is not coincidental. According to Frances Haugen, an ex-Facebook employee who turned whistleblower and was incredibly vocal about her experience, she believes the timing is not coincidental. She said, “If you don’t like the conversation, you try to change the conversation.” In his undercover investigation, Haugen managed to get his hands on damning new revelations about Facebook’s paper on the internet. Facebook was reveal to have been complicit with its business active in illegal privacy violation in a damning new report.

What will we do in the metaverse?

With this, Meta is focusing on creating VR spaces where people can get together and collaborate in real-time, as well as create their own VR homes to host friends from the virtual world. In our virtual worlds, you will be able to shop for items without leaving your home or office. You could also travel to nearby cities, concerts and other events, or enjoy the great outdoors. “Theoretically” is how the technology could eventually evolve, but there are still many limitations at the moment.

Now there is one more wizard to add to the list of Harry Potter characters. “Magic is fun, but just like the Wizarding World, there is a dark side. “Instead of us just being in our information bubbles, we’re going to be segment into our custom realities,” Rosenberg said.

That’s a bad thing?

Despite how deeply or briefly they are involve, seeing the metaverse can be one of the most radiant moments in Snow Crash. It is a thing people use to numb themselves when their lives are horrible, but it is also the source of some of our most wonderful dreams. I’m concerned about how immersive worlds change people’s lives. Some people might become entirely absorbed for a time and forget reality altogether, with the increased number of sensors in our homes and workplaces. This opens up a lot more data that can be use to help advance and optimize our lives.

“People should be worried,” Shawn Frayne, CEO of holographic tech startups Speaking Of Technology, tells Opinion. “Think about how Facebook controls your entire field of vision and what it might do to democracy.” When Facebook walks into the future. However, people don’t seem to care. Delivering a reality where data is curate by corporations could be dangerous because it can lead to information being biased and/or false. People will become less trust of others while they are even further entrench in their ideological bunkers — expert told INSIDE.

Will people trust Facebook with their virtual lives? Even more?

In a time where people are starting to consider risks in other areas too, the risk of not doing something like the metaverse may be bigger than the rewards. Meta is worried that the growth it’s seen in Snapchat users and other competitors will cause younger user to stop joining use the app.

Future investors may not be convince as well if META doesn’t start make progress. “If your employer decides they’re now a metaverse company. So that you have to give out more personal data to a company that has demonstrated that it lies whenever it is in its best interests,” Samantha told Business Insider.

“Zuckerberg Isn’t Building The Metaverse Because He Has A Remarkable New Vision Of How Things Could Be,” Zuckerman writes at The Atlantic. The past few years have been hard for the creator of Meta, but he’s not silence by these problem. He tells his own story and then dives into a few hot topics that are affecting Facebook and advertising businesses today. The founder of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, is often ask whether or not the apps from Apple and Google are eroding the foundation of democracy. With that question in mind, he attends to a more pressing problem: Apple’s 30% cut.

Will the metaverse be expensive?

When the internet became a central aspect of our modern lives and it wasn’t long before we realized that everything online is free. It caused a lot of controversy in industries like journalism, music, and more. Companies like Google, and Facebook have figured out how to make tons of money by offering free services, with the only cost being the personal data they collect and sell.

“Content marketing will be an integral part of what we do across all of the different dimensions that we cover,” Zuckerberg confirmed on Facebook’s most recent earnings call.

We’re still going to use the metaverse, aren’t we?

“The Metaverse is real, and Wall Street is looking for winners,” analyst Dan Ives wrote in a note. “Meta, due to its enormous resources and ownership of Oculus, looks like one of the winners. It might not be the only one.” The goal of the metaverse developers is to create an infrastructure for virtual reality. This would allow people to seamlessly go from one VR to the next without moving anywhere and create a highly-accessible worldwide society.

Companies like Meta and Microsoft are trying to draw consumers into the metaverse. With the promise of providing them a broader, more visceral experience. In addition, there are other companies. So like Magic Leap and Microsoft who are quietly focusing their AR efforts on applications in industries such as industrial manufacturing.

When will the metaverse hit the mainstream?

It is hard to imagine a time when virtual reality was not a thing. It’s been around for quite some time, and things are looking more promising than ever.

“Let’s be frank about this: Facebook’s metaverse is design with recycle ideas and mediocre graphic. Mark Zuckerberg believes that Facebook’s main competitors–Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube–are making the first generation of virtual reality images,” Zuckerman says.

“The metaverse Zuckerberg shows off in his video doesn’t have to solve those problems. He’s promising future technologies that are five to 10 years off” “Zuckerberg argues. That the metaverse is not about creating perfect escape hatches. It’s about holding a mirror to our broken shared world. Facebook is about distracting us from the world it’s help break. An article published by The Atlantic discusses how people are already investing. Their time in virtual worlds and social media rather than the mundane reality they live in.

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Read more: What exactly is the metaverse, and how can we use it?